Wearing a seat belt can not only save your life, but it can significantly influence your case if you have been involved in a car collision. No matter what position you are sitting in a vehicle, by not taking the extra second to put on a seat belt you place yourself at greater risk of serious bodily injury if involved in a car collision. In Colorado, the value of your case will be reduced if you do not wear seatbelts when you are legally required to do so. Seatbelt usage is mandatory for drivers and all front-seat passengers in Colorado, and child restraint law requires that children 15 years old and younger riding in a vehicle be properly secured regardless of their seating position. Despite these laws, Colorado's seatbelt usage is only 88% (which is below the national average of 90%). In 2021 alone, there were 232 total passenger vehicle deaths which involved unbuckled drivers or passengers. Not only do seatbelts reduce your risk of injury or death in a crash by 50%, they also preserve your legal rights of recovery against at-fault parties. #clickitorticket