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Distracted Driving - New Colorado Hands-Free Law

Posted by Jordan Travis | Dec 30, 2024

Beginning January 1, 2025 Colorado will have a new law (C.R. S. § 42-4-239). This law prohibits drivers from using their mobile electronic devices while driving. Hands-free accessories are still permitted.

Texting and driving is illegal for drivers of all ages in Colorado. This new law expands the ban on using cellphones to now including holding or manually using a phone or other mobile device for voice calls or any other reason.

The penalties for violating the law start for the first offense at a $75 fine and two license suspension points.

Please see the following for more information on exceptions to this law and more about penalties:

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of crashes and fatalities in Colorado. As described in our previous blogs on Distracted Driving, distracted driving behaviors include eating, texting, talking on the phone or to a passenger, looking after children or pets, reading, or watching videos.

Distracted driving itself is dangerous, but driving while texting is 6x more dangerous than drunk driving according to NHTSA.

Get to where you are going safely, put the device down and focus on the road. 

About the Author

Jordan Travis

Jordan M. Travis - Jordan observed first-hand the practice of law while growing up in Colorado. He attended the University of Colorado Boulder, graduating #1 in his class, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications with a minor in Leadership. Jordan also attended the University of Colorado ...

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